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Family Law – How to Be Married to An Entrepreneur

 Posted on March 15, 2013 in Family Law

ChristineLove leads us to bliss: togetherness, fun and laughter. You promise to take the good and the bad. But did you take the entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is one who owns their own business through and through. Most times the business is what they eat, breath, sleep and drink. It becomes the life of the person who owns it. It is a very admirable feat, however, it needs to be clear to the incoming spouse what it all entails to be the spouse of an entrepreneur.

First, ask questions. Get to know what the business is all about, what your role will be, what the hours are, how much money goes INTO the business and the stress level it causes your future spouse. Find out how much information you can actually handle. More questions are bound to come up – ASK!

Find another entrepreneur couple who can support the two of you – a mentor couple, per se. They will be able to share their tricks to marital bliss in tough times. They will be able to listen when frustrations arise and give sound advice.

Treat one another almost like business partners. Being honest about how the business is going will keep the communication open as well as give support to the spouse who runs the business. Realizing the business is not a ticket to freedom but rather a serious responsibility will help keep the focus. However, the marriage still needs to be a priority – make time for one another!

Business owners are all about contracts and relationships. Marriage is similar. Consider a pre-nuptial agreement to safeguard yourself and your business in terms of marriage. Contact a family attorney who can guide you into proper channels to protect your business for future success.

Image courtesy of http://www.freedigitalphotos.net

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